Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) is a flagship initiative launched by the Government of India on January 22, 2015, in Panipat, Haryana. The program is designed to address the alarming decline in the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) and promote the welfare of the girl child. The initiative also aims to ensure the rights of girls and empower them through education and social awareness.

Objectives of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

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BBBP was conceptualized to achieve the following key objectives:

  1. Preventing Gender-Based Discrimination:
    • Eradicate societal biases and practices that favor boys over girls, especially in rural areas.
  2. Improving the Child Sex Ratio (CSR):
    • Reverse the declining trend of the number of girls per 1,000 boys, which is a significant indicator of gender disparity.
  3. Ensuring Education for Girls:
    • Promote access to quality education for girls and reduce dropout rates at all levels of education.
  4. Empowering Women:
    • Foster an environment where girls are respected, valued, and provided equal opportunities to thrive.

The Need for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

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The initiative was introduced in response to the drastic fall in the Child Sex Ratio, as revealed by the 2011 Census. The CSR stood at 919 girls per 1,000 boys, with some states showing even lower figures. This imbalance was attributed to:

  1. Prevalence of Female Feticide:
    • Advanced prenatal sex-determination technologies were misused, leading to selective abortions.
  2. Cultural and Societal Biases:
    • Preference for male children due to economic, social, and religious reasons.
  3. Lack of Education and Awareness:
    • Limited understanding of gender equality and the rights of women and girls.
  4. Poor Implementation of Laws:
    • Failure to enforce laws like the Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994.

Key Components of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

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BBBP is a multi-sectoral approach that involves coordinated efforts by the Ministries of Women and Child Development, Health and Family Welfare, and Education. The program’s focus areas include:

  1. Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns:
    • Nationwide campaigns promoting the value of the girl child and highlighting the importance of their education.
  2. Implementation of the PCPNDT Act:
    • Strengthening measures to prevent sex-selective abortions and penalizing offenders.
  3. Promoting Girls’ Education:
    • Increasing enrollment of girls in schools, ensuring their retention, and improving the quality of education.
  4. Community Participation:
    • Encouraging local leaders, religious heads, and influencers to champion the cause of gender equality.
  5. Incentive Schemes:
    • Introduction of schemes like Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana to provide financial security for the girl child.

Achievements of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Since its launch, the BBBP initiative has achieved notable milestones:

  1. Improved Child Sex Ratio:
    • States like Haryana, which historically had low CSR, have reported significant improvements.
  2. Increased School Enrollment:
    • Enrollment rates of girls, especially in secondary and higher secondary education, have shown a steady rise.
  3. Increased Awareness:
    • Social media campaigns, rallies, and public discussions have led to greater awareness of the rights and value of the girl child.
  4. Empowered Communities:
    • Greater participation of local communities in ensuring the success of the program.

Challenges in Implementing Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

Despite its successes, the BBBP initiative faces several challenges:

  1. Deep-Rooted Patriarchal Norms:
    • Changing centuries-old societal attitudes and cultural biases is a slow process.
  2. Uneven Implementation:
    • While urban areas have shown progress, rural and remote areas lag in awareness and execution.
  3. Lack of Adequate Funds:
    • Reports have highlighted insufficient allocation and utilization of funds for effective implementation.
  4. Dropout Rates:
    • Many girls still drop out of school due to poverty, lack of infrastructure, and societal pressures.

The Way Forward

To overcome these challenges and achieve the program’s goals, the following measures are recommended:

  1. Strengthening Legal Frameworks:
    • Strict enforcement of the PCPNDT Act and other laws protecting the rights of the girl child.
  2. Community-Centric Approach:
    • Engaging local communities in the decision-making process to foster ownership and accountability.
  3. Enhancing Educational Infrastructure:
    • Building more schools, providing scholarships, and ensuring access to sanitary facilities for girls.
  4. Leveraging Technology:
    • Using digital platforms to spread awareness and monitor the program’s implementation.
  5. Public-Private Partnerships:
    • Collaborating with private organizations and NGOs to amplify the impact of the initiative.

Inspiring Stories from Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

The initiative has inspired countless success stories, showcasing the transformative power of education and empowerment. For instance:

  • In Haryana, girls have excelled in academics and sports, breaking stereotypes and proving their potential.
  • Villages that once practiced gender-based discrimination now celebrate the birth of girls with community events and financial incentives.


Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is not just a program but a movement that signifies hope, change, and progress. By addressing gender discrimination and promoting education, it aims to create a society where girls are valued and empowered. The journey toward achieving gender equality is long, but with sustained efforts and collective responsibility, India can ensure a brighter future for its daughters.

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